AAW HOW TO: Understand the Benefits of Hiring an Interim Chief Financial Officer

As we continue to explore the top trends in charity recruitment, we hope you enjoy these pieces of wisdom from our search team! Do get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

The recruitment process can take a long time, so if you need an CFO asap, hiring an interim chief financial officer is a smart move. Check out this guide for charities.

Of course, you don't have time to wait for a permanent hire. You need someone who can step in quickly and get up-to-speed on your organisation's financials. Someone with the knowledge and experience you need.

Hiring an interim chief financial officer is a great solution that allows you to benefit from the expertise of a seasoned professional without having to go through a lengthy recruitment process.

Keep reading because this guide will provide you with all you need to know about hiring an interim chief financial officer.

What Is an Interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO)?

An interim chief financial officer (CFO) is an experienced professional who provides temporary financial leadership to a company or organisation. The CFO works hand-in-hand with the executive management team. They can:

  • set financial goals and objectives

  • provide guidance on budgeting and forecasting

  • streamline all financial processes to maximise efficiency

  • assist in developing strategic plans and reports

  • analyse operational data

  • manage cash flow

  • implement new systems and controls

  • any other financial-related tasks

Benefits of Hiring an Interim Chief Financial Officer

Now we have a better understanding of what a CFO does, let’s look at some benefits of hiring one for your charity.

Time Savings

The recruitment process for a top-notch CFO can take months. That's time you and your company may not have.

Fortunately, there is a quicker solution. An interim CFO can provide your team with immediate financial expertise.

With their wealth of experience, an interim chief financial officer can hit the ground running. This saves you time and money. It allows you to focus on what matters.

Cost Efficient

Not only is hiring an interim CFO a quick solution, but it can also be cost-efficient. You can hire them for a specific project or task. Then you only pay for the services provided during the agreed period.

This means you can reduce the overhead costs of hiring a full-time employee. This includes benefits and training expenses. With an interim CFO, you can rest easy knowing your financial needs are taken care of without breaking the bank.

Experienced Professionals

Interim Chief Financial Officers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. They have honed this experience through years of working with a variety of organisations and financial models. This makes them valuable partners and a very worthwhile investment!

Bringing an Objective Perspective

When it comes to making important decisions for a charity, having an objective perspective can make all the difference. That's where an interim CFO comes in.

Full-time staff members may have emotional attachments to the organisation. An interim CFO can provide an unbiased view of top-level decision-making.

They’re able to offer a fresh perspective and bring new ideas to the table that may not have been considered before. This level of objectivity can help ensure that you’re making the best decisions for your charity.

Increased Accounting Efficiency

As your business grows, so does the complexity of its financial accounting needs. Increased accounting efficiency not only saves time and resources but also helps companies remain competitive. 

That's where an interim chief financial officer can step in. They bring their expertise to the table to identify inefficiencies. They can create new processes to streamline tasks.

Working alongside staff, they can eliminate manual tasks and duplicate data entry. They can also automate workflows where possible.

With improved accounting efficiency, you can focus on growing the core operations of your organisation as you know that your financials are in good hands.

Risk Management

Managing risk is crucial to maintaining the sustainability of any organisation. It is especially vital for charities. Fortunately, an interim CFO can be a valuable partner. They can help charities identify potential areas of financial risk and then implement strategies to reduce those risks.

With their expertise, an interim CFO can advise on best practices for protecting the assets of a charity from any possible fraud or mismanagement. By developing a strong risk management plan, charities can inspire confidence and maintain the trust of their stakeholders—vital for ensuring long-term success.

Improved Budgeting

Budgeting is key for any organisation, and for charities that rely heavily on their resources, it’s especially important. Improved budgeting can help organisations to achieve their objectives faster and more efficiently. 

An interim chief financial officer can play a vital role in promoting better budgeting practices as they have the experience to understand the intricacies of the budgeting process. By contributing to this process they can help charitable organisations to develop better spending plans, allowing them to allocate resources effectively and ultimately make more of an impact.

Improved Cash Flow Management

One of the best ways to improve cash flow is to seek the guidance of an experienced CFO, who through effective cash flow management can help you identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your cash flow system.

By optimising your cash flow, you can ensure that your organisation has enough resources to cover your expenses and invest in growth opportunities. This is without resorting to expensive loans or depleting your savings. With the right cash flow strategy in place, you can unlock new opportunities and achieve sustainable financial success.

Strategies for Growth

As businesses navigate the ever-changing market, they need to have a solid growth strategy in place. This is where an interim chief financial officer comes in handy. With their knowledge of financial management, they’re the perfect partner to help you chart a course towards sustainable growth.

By assessing the financial situation and identifying growth opportunities, a CFO can help businesses make informed decisions. They can implement effective strategies that lead to long-term success. So, if you want to take your organisation to the next level, consider working with an interim CFO to develop a solid growth plan.

Compliance With Regulations

Charities operate in a highly regulated space, supervised by the Charity Commission. They have strict and specific reporting requirements and can be put under intense public and media scrutiny.

Navigating this complex landscape is often overwhelming. Having a CFO who possesses extensive knowledge of the requirements and regulations in place is key.

Compliance with regulations can prevent the charity from facing the loss of reputation, legal penalties, fines, and even closure. Therefore, charities must take regulations seriously and employ individuals who have the necessary expertise to ensure adherence

Improved Collaboration With External Partners

In today’s interconnected world, collaboration is key. That's why many CFOs are now investing in technology platforms. These can strengthen their relationships with external partners such as:

  • vendors

  • banks

  • other third-party partners

By sharing data, insights, and resources, interim CFOs can boost productivity and drive collaboration across their organisations. With improved communication and alignment, organisations can better navigate the intricate financial landscape. This can drive cost savings and allow the organisation to make more of an impact. Investing in improved collaboration with external partners is becoming essential for organisations.

Advice on Mergers

Mergers can be risky business, especially for charities. However, with the right guidance and support, they can also present exciting opportunities for growth and development. This is where a CFO comes in.

By working closely with your charity, an interim chief financial officer can provide valuable advice on the financial implications of a merger or acquisition. They can help you assess the risks and rewards and ensure that you make informed decisions. Decisions that are in the best interests of your organisation.

So, if you're considering a merger, don't go it alone. Enlist the expertise of an interim chief financial officer to give your charity the best possible chance of success.

Access to Expertise From Multiple Sectors

When it comes to making important decisions, having access to expertise from multiple sectors can be a game-changer. An interim chief financial officer, with their breadth of experience, can offer unique insight into different fields. They bring new perspectives to the table.

This can lead to more comprehensive decision-making processes and better outcomes overall. By tapping into their wealth of knowledge, an interim CFO can identify potential blind spots. They can provide innovative solutions to complex problems.

With access to expertise from multiple sectors, an experienced CFO can help organisations navigate the ever-changing landscape of business. This will help you stay ahead of the curve.

What Makes a Successful Interim CFO?

Now you know the benefits of hiring an interim finance director. It’s also important to understand what makes an interim chief financial officer successful in this role. Here are some qualities to look for:

Excellent Analytical Skills

A good CFO needs to be able to find solutions to problems and pay attention to the details. They will be presented with a great deal of data and will need to be able to analyse it effectively. 

They will also be presented with difficult financial issues in their role and they will need to be able to come up with solutions to make the organisation better.

Business Acumen

Having a business understanding is crucial for any successful CFO. In this role, it is essential to have a deep understanding of financial planning and strategy. It is necessary to be able to think critically about how different business decisions may impact the charity in the long term.

A good CFO will also know the rules and trends of the industry, so they can make sure the charity stays stable and still retains its mission.

In short, a successful interim CFO will have strong business acumen and wants to make a meaningful impact on their organisation's growth and success.

Leadership Ability

Having the ability to lead is what sets exceptional CFOs apart. A successful leader must possess a combination of cognitive and behavioural skills, and be able to inspire others to achieve a common goal. For an interim CFO, having leadership ability is essential to ensure that the team is performing at its best in a short time period. 

A good leader can make the team work well together. They will help everyone feel special and motivate them to do their best. Leaders can also help the team be more productive, efficient, and successful.


Adaptability is one of the most essential traits of an interim chief financial officer. The ability to adapt to the demands of the job and the environment is crucial, and it is what sets successful CFOs apart from the rest. The industry is dynamic and constantly changing, and regulations can change rapidly.

An interim CFO who can adapt and respond to these changes is far more likely to succeed. They will be able to think on their feet and come up with innovative solutions to problems. An interim CFO’s adaptability,  being nimble, flexible, and proactive, is a key driver of success in finance roles.

Technical Knowledge

In almost every job you need to know a lot about technology, but it’s crucial for those working in finance. Those in the finance department must be able to use many different types of software and tools, and it is key that CFOs understand technology, computers and tools that help with money.

Interim CFOs must be able to manipulate financial data, generate reports, and analyse trends, and a good interim CFO will continue to acquire and maintain technical knowledge that's evolving throughout their career to remain relevant in their field.

Communication Skills

Effective communication skills are crucial for any individual, but they play an even greater role in the world of finance and are an essential tool in any interim executive’s kit. A good CFO will be able to communicate complex financial concepts and reports using words people understand.

It is essential that charity board members and other team members who may not have a financial background can understand the information that is being conveyed. 

Problem-Solving Capability

Money people in an organisation need to be good at solving problems. They need to use their imagination and come up with ideas for how to fix any issues. That is important for keeping money safe and making more money.

An individual with this skill can identify potential problems before they escalate and develop a plan to address them. Whether streamlining financial processes or finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality, a person with problem-solving capability can help an organisation achieve its financial goals.

Ultimately, this skill is highly sought-after and valued by finance professionals in charities.

Result Oriented

Being results-oriented is a key characteristic of a successful interim CFO. This means that the interim CFO should focus on achieving measurable results and tangible outcomes.

To achieve this, the interim CFO should have a clear understanding of the organisation's strategic goals so that they can develop a financial strategy that aligns with those goals.

Clear financial targets should be set and action plans developed to achieve those targets. Progress towards financial targets should be monitored and measured, and teams held accountable for delivering on those targets.

The interim CFO should communicate financial results and progress towards targets to the executive team, the board of directors, and other stakeholders, and provide insights and recommendations based on those results.

By being results-oriented, the interim CFO can help to drive financial performance and achieve the company's strategic goals. This is crucial for ensuring that the finance function is contributing to the overall success of the organisation.

Working With an Interim Chief Financial Officer: What You Need to Know

When working with an interim chief financial officer, there are a few things you should keep in mind. They include:

Specify the Length of Time

When seeking an interim chief financial officer for your charity, it is important to provide clarity on the length of their tenure. Doing so not only sets expectations among your team but also helps manage your finances, knowing the cost of employing the CFO for the period of their employment.  

Whether you need the CFO for a few months or a year, being specific with the length of time will also ensure a smooth transition and successful partnership. It is worth noting that interim chief financial officers are often brought on board to fill gaps during times of change, crisis, or transition.

Therefore, having a clear timeline in place will empower your charity to flourish while also meeting its financial goals.

Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is important for achieving success. Whether it's for personal development or professional growth, having a clear vision of what you want to achieve helps you stay focused and motivated. The same goes for the interim CFO—to ensure they are successful, it's essential to give them a clear understanding of what's expected of them and the goals they need to work towards.

This will allow them to develop a plan of action and work towards measurable outcomes, increasing their effectiveness in their role. By setting clear goals, you can ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision, which is crucial for achieving success in any area of life.

Regular Communication

Keeping your CFO updated about any changes that happen in your organisation means that they can stay on top of their work.

When it comes to securing funding, it is important to stay active and make sure you have the most recent information. Talk with people often. Work together so everyone can reach the same goal.

So, make sure to check in with your interim finance director, and maintain a collaborative approach to ensure your organisation thrives.

Provide Resources

In order to make a charity successful, you need resources at your disposal. While passionate individuals working together are a great start, they require more than enthusiasm to succeed, they also need the right tools and resources.

This is true when it comes to working with interim CFOs, who require a certain level of support to carry out their work. This might mean providing access to financial tools or hiring additional staff members to help support their efforts.

By ensuring that your team has the resources they need to do their job, you’ll be setting them up for success.

Monitor Progress

Regularly checking in on progress is crucial for any job to be done, especially when it comes to assessing the performance of a CFO. That's why it's important to ask questions and measure progress to ensure the CFO is meeting their goals.

As the CFO executes their responsibilities, reviewing progress enables you to identify areas requiring improvement, adjust planning, and celebrate successes. With regular progress monitoring, you can remain up-to-date without becoming overwhelmed, and the CFO can acquire useful feedback to make their job even more powerful.

Hire an Interim CFO Today

Hopefully you can see that an interim chief financial officer can be a vital resource to help charities manage their finances. Interim CFOs have the knowledge and skills to manage financial operations and can help to creatively solve problems. In complex situations like mergers they're particularly invaluable.

If your organisation is looking for an interim chief financial officer, then why not contact the AAW Group? As a specialist executive search agency working directly with the charity sector, we’re always keen to help—get in touch today


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